February 29, 2012 (2358-02292012)

In addition to an entire variety of various completely separate and different other items and instances of physical and visual and verbal and emotional and sexual harassment and torment and repeated badgering and bullying and yelling at and threats and repeated attempts at picking fights with the soul and his people and I which the very same entire group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug scum whom I (because of the fact that I do not know any of their given and or surnames) have repeatedly referred to as “the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends” repeatedly committed and deliberately inflicted upon the soul and his people and I as they (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”) continued to refuse to electronically disconnect themselves from the living aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from MY flesh and bone body (my spiritual attributes) and quit committing the crime of illegally spying upon the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day and the soul and his people and I, literally throughout the entirety of the entire day yesterday Tuesday, February 28, 2012 which because of the extensive amount of completely separate and different instances throughout the entirety of the day and evening hours, I did not note each particular instance and or the exact precise times of the day of, by the 2:00PM hour of the day yesterday (Tuesday, February 28, 2012), whichever of the cowards of the group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict thugs was cowering in front of his / her electronic camera and monitor illegally spying upon the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day and the soul and his people and I while intermittently repeatedly verbally and visually harassing and tormenting and badgering and attempting picking fights with the soul and his people and I had once again resumed the deliberate use of their electronic computer and various other electrical and or electronic equipment and or devices to once again deliberately resume causing the very same extreme emotional and physical discomfort and pain by again causing severe heat and profuse and excessive sweating upon various parts of my flesh and bone body including, but not limited to my head and face (via my crown chakra), and my buttocks and surrounding buttocks areas, and my entire upper torso (both chest and back), and even the entirety of my neck (literally all the way around my neck and throat), virtually all of which is not only physically bothering me to such a degree that often times I feel sick and or as if I am about to pass out from the deliberately caused heat, but which is also bothering me emotionally, and is also severely dehydrating me, and which is also still causing a hygiene problem as well. By the very same 2:00PM hour of the day yesterday Tuesday, February 28, 2012, “the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends” had once again deliberately resumed yet another episode of the very same homosexual “hand” or “???” rape which in addition to all the various other instances of the same were also so numerous throughout the entirety of the day and evening and nighttime hours of the day (Tuesday, February 28, 2012) that I also did not formally note each particular instance and or the exact precise times of the day of, virtually all of which again consisted of at least one of the women of the group of rapist thugs resuming deliberately inserting and or pulling out and reinserting either her entire hand and forearm, or any number and or assortment of various other electrical and or electronic and or non-electrical devices and or equipment back into the rectum of either whichever of the cowards of the group that was on the receiving end of the deliberately inflicted homosexual sexual rape throughout the day, OR, out of and back into whichever of their devices and or equipment which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from the base of MY spine which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, while simultaneously continuing to deliberately cower in front of their electronic camera and monitor illegally spying upon the aforementioned consenting adult and I as we innocently slept throughout the early AM hours of the morning while also intermittently repeatedly verbally and visually harassing and tormenting and badgering and yelling at and attempting picking fights with the soul and his people and I, OR, had simply resorted to deliberately inflicting the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will by virtue of any of the various other electrical or non-electronic equipment which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from the base of MY spine and or groin area which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, virtually all of which they (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”) again deliberately repeated on numerous completely separate and different instances throughout the day and evening and nighttime hours of yesterday Tuesday, February 28, 2012, and, as recent as the 6:50AM and 10:10AM and 11:25AM times of this very morning today Wednesday, February 29, 2012. By the 7:18PM time of yesterday Tuesday, February 28, 2012, whichever of the cowards of the group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict thugs was cowering in front of his / her / their electronic camera and monitor deliberately attempting electronically connecting themselves to the aura and various living chakras of soul known by the very same entire planet of completely separate and different individuals (the world-wide consortium of those whom known the sun lives) to be emanating from and surrounding MY head and eyes (my crown chakra) which in itself is so repulsive and disgusting that I would need to speak several different languages just to truthfully personally state how filthy this uncouth bitch and her friends cause me to feel at the thought of them deliberately electronically connecting themselves to MY halo and surrounding spiritual attributes, had once again resumed the deliberate use of their electronic computer and various other electrical and or electronic equipment and or devices and numerous variety of electrical wires which they have deliberately connected to their computer (and or however they have their electrical wires connected so as to cause the surges of voltage electricity) to once again deliberately resume electronically surging me in the tear duct of my right eye, which they had again deliberately resumed upon the tear duct of my left eye during the midnight hour, and the 8:00AM and 11:00AM hours of this very day today Tuesday, February 28, 2012 literally before the deliberately caused swelling of my lower left eyelid has even had time to subside, virtually all of which was compounded by the fact that the guilty woman doing this to me (whom by the way I personally recognized as “the very same habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I” and yes, this WAS in fact the criminal stalker herself) repeatedly offended the soul and his people and I by repeatedly illegally electronically transmitting the very same putrid and butt-ugly images and caricature face pictures of herself repeatedly grimacing to herself repeatedly deliberately physically assaulting and attempting physically hurting and harming me directly to and across my eyes which we the people of the soul and indeed the soul himself find extremely irritating and nothing more than putrid and repetitive visual harassment which in itself proves the woman’s premeditated guilt. By 7:30PM yesterday Tuesday, February 28, 2012, this very same aforementioned coward (“the very same habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I”) had once again deliberately resumed the deliberate use of the very same “electronic” computer to once again deliberately cause cold upon my legs and feet while simultaneously continuing to repeatedly surge and poke and stab and physically bother my feet while simply continuing to illegally spy upon and verbally and visually harass and torment and badger and bully and attempt picking fights with the soul and his people and I, in what I know damn good and well was yet another deliberate attempt by the aforementioned known guilty criminals at deliberately furthering her and her friends ongoing desire to intentionally risk my life and or health by intentionally subjecting me to the possibility of catching a cold and or pneumonia by deliberately causing freezing cold upon my flesh and bone body in the frigid cold temperatures of the winter evening as I innocently sat watching television, virtually all of which she (“the very same habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I”) simply continued literally throughout the time I finally went to bed to retire (go to sleep) for the night during the midnight hour of this morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012 which again severely angered and offended the soul and his people and I. In addition to the absolute provable fact that the entire group of habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) had again refused to electronically disconnect themselves from the aura and various chakras of living soul emanating from MY flesh and bone body and surrounding spiritual attributes and quit illegally spying upon the soul and his people and I literally throughout the entire AM hours of this morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012 as I innocently attempted resting and sleeping which again caused me the necessity of needing to sit myself in the “upright” position (as adverse to the “laying-down” position) upon the floor in hopes of getting myself some rest and sleep amidst the repeated intermittently inflicted barrage of physical and sexual harassment and torment and physical and sexual assaults and out-and-out rape, which in my opinion all by itself is a crime that by all means should land each of the rapist thugs in a federal and or state penitentiary for the crime of spying upon innocent citizens of the United States of America. The very same “habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I” and, or, at least one of her immediate friends ALSO spent the entire early AM hours of the night this very morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012, deliberately running the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player playing and illegally electronically transmitting (without an FCC license to transmit upon and or across previously allocated television airwaves) more of the same deliberately created emotionally disturbing and bothersome videos across my eyes and into the homes of the innocent public at large as I innocently attempted resting and sleeping which I again awoke amidst feeling emotionally disturbed and bothered by the deliberately created content of the videos which the guilty woman deliberately created and illegally electronically transmitted across my eyes and into the various homes of the innocent public at large, which in addition to deliberately infringing upon my own personal rights as a citizen of the United States of America, also again infringed upon the rights of the innocent public at large, many of whom had innocent children innocently watching their very own televisions sets within the privacy of their very own homes (by deliberately littering their television screens with the absolute garbage the harlot and her friends deliberately electronically transmitted into their homes without their knowledge and or consent). By 6:50AM this morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012, in addition to deliberately attempting physically hurting my right ankle because of the fact that the soul and his people and I refused to allow the known criminal stalker and her harlot and two or three other drug addict friends the freedom to “hide” themselves within the aura and various living chakras of soul known by the very same entire planet of completely separate and different individuals of the world-wide consortium of those whom known the sun lives to be emanating from and or surrounding MY groin and legs and or any place else within the massive rings of soul known to be emanating from and or surrounding my flesh and bone body either (as I have repeatedly verbally stated, and, as I have repeatedly composed numerous written statements of, “we the people of the soul of God AND the soul of God himself will NOT allow ourselves to be used by this known criminal stalker and her friends (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”) to be used as their “hiding spot” for their butt-fucking and illegal drug consumption, not today, not tomorrow, not ever, period.) “the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends” had once again resumed yet another day of repeated and deliberate disruptive verbal harassment and babble and comments which no one wants to hear by repeatedly illegally electronically transmitting themselves repeatedly verbally interjecting rude and offensive verbal harassment and babble across the aura and various living chakras of soul emanating from my head and eyes (my crown) about various different things which they had seen me doing while committing the crime of illegally spying upon me, while also repeatedly interjecting verbal harassment and babble deliberately disrupting conversations between myself and the soul and his people and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day, virtually all of which again severely offended and angered the soul of God and his people and I. Stephen Wayne Reno Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In addition to the ongoing continued refusal by the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends to electronically disconnect themselves from the aura and various living chakras known to be emanating from and surrounding MY flesh and bone body and quit illegally spying upon the various other unsuspecting individuals whom I associate with or come into contact with throughout my day and various nights out at the pub which has for years and years and years cheated me out of my right to privacy and that of being able to have a normal sex life, and the ongoing deliberate refusal by the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends to quit deliberately sexually assaulting and raping me in both the rectum and groin areas by refusing to quit deliberately using and inserting the numerous variety of electrical wires and, or, their hose and ball and, or, the various other electrical and or electronic equipment and, or, accoutrement into their rectum(s) and vagina(s) (and the penis of the “man” in the facility) while electronically connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul which are known to be emanating from and surrounding MY flesh and bone body (my spiritual attributes), and, or, into whichever of their devices and or equipment which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from MY flesh and bone body which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, and the ongoing refusal by the very same group of known and repeatedly documented guilty habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs to quit deliberately forcing themselves and their repeated sexual acts of engaging in the numerous variations of the same previously mentioned and repeatedly witnessed deliberately rigged homosexual sexual activities which are also being repeatedly deliberately committed by the very same two or three or four habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs while electronically connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul which are known to be emanating from and surrounding MY flesh and bone body (my spiritual attributes), and, or, the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will by virtue of any of the various other electrical or non-electronic equipment, and, or, accoutrement which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from MY flesh and bone body which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, virtually all of which is in fact known by those of the American celebrity society whom have spent years and years and years monetarily funding this woman and her friends repeated crimes against the soul and his people and I to also be repeatedly sexually assaulting and raping me in both the rectum and groin areas, and all the various other deliberately rigged sexual assaults and rape and the repeated deliberately caused excessive sweating and the deliberately created emotionally disturbing and bothersome videos and flashing lights and homosexual videos deliberately transmitted across my eyes by the very same habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I repeatedly running the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player at high-speed across my eyes and the repeated criminal stalking and burglaries and deliberate “chemical” and various other food tampering and all the various other repeated verbal, visual, and physical and sexual harassment, threats, and assaults and bullying and down-right disruption and bother in our lives which I have not documented within the pages of this letter of testimony which are in fact as of today Wednesday, February 29, 2012 still being repeatedly deliberately committed and inflicted upon the soul and his people and I by the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict friends, as of the time of sitting at the computer finishing composing this letter of testimony at 11:12PM today Wednesday, February 29, 2012, in addition to the absolute provable fact these very same aforementioned habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs are in fact as of this very minute still forcing themselves upon the soul and his people and I electronically connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul emanating from MY flesh and bone body deliberately forcing the “feeling” of themselves lying around with the numerous variety of electrical wires and or hose and ball ensemble and or simply the woman’s entire hand and forearm stuck in the rectum of whichever of the cowards of the group is currently on the receiving end of the deliberately inflicted homosexual sexual rape, OR, into whichever of their devices and or equipment which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from the base of MY spine which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, OR, by simply deliberately continuing the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will by virtue of any of the various other electrical or non-electronic equipment which they have deliberately created and then “electronically” connected to the aura and various living chakras of soul known to be emanating from the base of MY spine which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately designed with explicit intentions of “mimicking” the “feeling” of homosexual “anal” sexual intercourse so as to deliberately inflict the “feeling” of someone deliberately forcibly sexually sodomizing me against my will, nothing whatsoever has changed, this very same “American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends” are still refusing to electronically disconnect themselves from the aura and chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body and quit illegally spying upon me and the various other unsuspecting individuals whom I associate with or come into contact with throughout my day and various nights out at the pub, including (but most certainly not limited to) such times as while I am in the bathroom attempting urinating and or defecating in private, and, (the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends) are also still refusing to quit sexually assaulting me in the penis and raping me in the rectum by repeatedly inserting their various electrical wires into their rectum(s) and vagina(s) repeatedly attempting forcing the “feeling” of the homosexual (anal) and vaginal sexual activities they have repeatedly engaged in committing upon me with explicit intentions of sexually assaulting and sodomizing and raping me in the penis and rectum areas while electronically connected to the aura and chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body, and, the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot (and presumably her two or three or four habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends too) are also still deliberately attempting the deliberate use of the very same enema bag which they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict friends) still have not electronically disconnected from the aura and chakras emanating from the stomach and lower intestines of my flesh and bone body to repeatedly cause the same habitually uncouth gastrointestinal noises upon the aura and chakras of living soul emanating from my stomach and lower intestines while simultaneously continuing the use the very same enema bag in conjunction with the electrical wires and hose and ball which is still inserted into the rectum of at least one of the individuals of the group (ether the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot herself or one of her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict friends) deliberately forcing me into the toilet to urinate and defecate, AND, also as of this very day today Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends are still deliberately refusing to electronically disconnect the very same electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera from the aura and various chakras emanating from my head (my crown) and eyes and are still deliberately using it (the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera) to repeatedly electronically transmit the numerous variety of various emotionally disturbing and bothersome videos across my eyes and into the homes of the innocent public at large throughout the early AM hours of the morning as I innocently attempt resting and sleeping which is not only still emotionally disturbing and bothering me personally, but is also still infringing upon the various unsuspecting members of the innocent public at large at times when their children and innocent family members are innocently attempting watching their very own television sets within the privacy of their very own homes, AND, as of this very day today Wednesday, February 29, 2012, explicitly because of the absolute provable fact this aforementioned group of habitual criminal drug addict thugs have continued to refuse to electronically disconnect the electronic device(s) from the aura and various living chakras of soul emanating from my head and eyes (my crown), (specifically, but not limited to the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera) and quit deliberately electronically “burning” my eyeballs and electronically “surging” the tear ducts and eyelids of both my left and right eyes with currents of voltage electricity which the very same coward illegally spying upon the various unsuspecting others I innocently see or come into contact with throughout my day and I, again deliberately resumed during the 11:00AM hour of this very morning today Wednesday, February 29, 2012, my right upper eyelid, AND, both left and right lower eyelids are in fact still swollen, AND, the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends are still deliberately attempting the deliberate use of this very same electronic device (the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera) as a device to continue furthering their repeated crime of illegally spying upon me and the various other unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day which is still infringing upon my very own, AND, the rights of others, AND, this very same entire group of habitual criminal drug addict thugs are still deliberately attempting the deliberate use of this very same electronic device (the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera) as a device and or instrument of torture to repeatedly attempt physically hurting and harming and disfiguring my own flesh and bone body, and also as a device and or instrument of torture to repeatedly electronically burn my eyeballs themselves, and, as a device and or instrument of torture to repeatedly attempt hurting and harming and harassing and tormenting the soul of God and his people (the ancient sect of men known by the hierarchy of the consortium to be alive and well and living within the immense living body of the soul of God emanating from and surrounding my flesh and bone body) too, which I have personally witnessed the woman and her friends deliberately attempting committing and inflicting (the repeated attempts at hurting and harming and harassing and tormenting the soul of God and his people (the ancient sect of men), virtually all of which I believe is inappropriate for anyone. Also in addition, the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict friends are still repeatedly attempting disrupting the radio spectrum deliberately using themselves and their various accoutrement which they still have electronically connected to the aura and chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body to repeatedly cause a rocking motion upon the living body of soul emanating from and surrounding my flesh and bone body (including, but not limited to my head) also including, but not limited to, intermittently deliberately attempting using themselves and their various accoutrement which they still have electronically connected to the aura and chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body to deliberately cause a sexually explicit rocking motion upon the living body of soul emanating from and surrounding my groin and or rectum and surrounding groin / buttocks areas, virtually all of which is still repeatedly disrupting the various television programming and business broadcasts of the various legally licensed television companies and businesses in my area (currently GMT – 7 Hours). The American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict friends are still simultaneously continuing to deliberately transmit the same continuous extremely disruptive and bothersome noise upon the aura and chakra emanating from my head (my crown chakra) attempting preventing others from hearing the words I think and the conversations I engage in with the soul of God and his people (which we all know the woman and her friends were told was not their place to attempt preventing). The American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends are still deliberately electronically connecting themselves and their various accoutrement to the aura and chakras emanating from my chest and throat and crown which is still causing chest and lung congestion and are still intermittently attempting hurting my throat attempting forcing me to cough. The same habitually uncouth pig slop sounding bitch is still repeatedly disrupting the moments of our (the soul and his people and my) day simultaneously transmitting the same repeated and deliberate disruptive verbal harassment and babble and comments which no one wants to hear while simultaneously electronically broadcasting the same habitually uncouth farm animal sounds of herself gasping, and grunting, and gulping, and breathing into the telephone and or microphone which she still has strapped to her face which has repeatedly offended the soul and his people and I. The American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot is still repeatedly deliberately sexually assaulting me in the groin and penis by repeatedly surging herself with voltage electricity via the electrical wire she repeatedly inserts into her vagina (which because of the fact she and her friends had previously electronically connected themselves to the aura and chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body, I can feel in my penis and groin). The very same habitual criminal drug addict enemy of the soul of God and his people and I, and or, whichever of the cowards of the group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict thugs is currently cowering in front of his / her electronic camera and monitor illegally spying upon me and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day while intermittently repeatedly verbally and visually harassing and tormenting and badgering and attempting picking fights with the soul and his people and I is still deliberately using his / her electronic devices (including but not limited to the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera to deliberately cause blurry vision and blindness while simultaneously repeatedly disrupting the moments of our day repeatedly waving her putrid hand and face and flashlight crap across the direct line of view of my left and right eye as she repeatedly sits (or lays) in front of her electronic camera verbally and visually harassing and tormenting the soul and his people attempting forcing us to stare at the utter vomit and crap she and her friends repeatedly do while simultaneously butting into our personal conversations, all of which I have repeatedly stated bothers the soul and his people and I. The American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict friends are still repeatedly calling out my name dozens of times a day repeatedly verbally and visually attempting contacting the soul and his people and I with repeated verbiage which we (the soul and his people and I) continue refusing to respond to. AND, AND, you and I both know damn good and well the very same habitual criminal drug addict stalker IS in fact still repeatedly criminally stalking me and criminally trespassing upon the property of the aforementioned consenting adult whom I have been spending time with AND the private property of my longtime friend of 33 years and that she (the criminal stalker) has every intention of continuing to illegally criminally burglarize both residences (the private residence of the aforementioned consenting adult whom I have been spending time with AND the private residence of my longtime friend of 33 years) and virtually any place else (automobiles etcetera) which she and or her immediate habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends believe that they (the known criminal stalker and her friends) can get away with criminally burglarizing, AND, that she has every intention of continuing to deliberately commit various criminal acts of malice and vandalism upon various items of my own and that of virtually anyone’s personal property which she and her friends also believe that they can get away with victimizing, AND, that she and her friends also has every intention of continuing to deliberately commit various criminal “hate crimes” of violence to repeatedly victimize the soul and his people and I and or virtually everyone else whom they (the known criminal stalker and her friends) also know damn good and well that they can get away with criminally victimizing as well. AND, as of the early AM hours of this very morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict friends, specifically, whichever of the cowards of the group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict thugs was cowering in front of his / her electronic computer and camera and monitor illegally spying upon me and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day while intermittently repeatedly verbally and visually harassing and tormenting and badgering and attempting picking fights with the soul and his people and I, is still deliberately causing extreme emotional and physical discomfort and pain deliberately using their computer and various other electronic and or electrical devices to repeatedly intermittently cause severe heat and profuse and excessive sweating upon various parts of my flesh and bone body including, but not limited to my head and face, my entire groin area, my buttocks and entire buttocks areas, the entirety of both of my legs, my entire upper torso (both chest and back), and even the entirety of my neck (literally all the way around my neck and throat), virtually all of which is not only physically bothering me to such a degree that often times I feel sick and or as if I am about to pass out from the deliberately caused heat, but which is also bothering me emotionally, and is also severely dehydrating me, and which is also still causing a hygiene problem as well, AND, the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends are still deliberately electronically connecting themselves and various electrical items to the aura and various living chakras of soul emanating from my head and my mouth which the soul and his people and I find extremely repulsive and disgusting and offensive. AND, the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends are still deliberately electronically connecting various electrical items to my mouth and teeth repeatedly attempting bothering my mouth and gums and deliberately shattering my teeth. In addition, as of this very morning this morning Wednesday, February 29, 2012 the very same American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends are still deliberately using the very same electrical wires the group of rapist has repeatedly inserted into their rectums and vaginas to repeatedly electronically surge me with various currents of voltage electricity in the tear ducts of both of my eyes AND are still refusing to electronically disconnect the very same electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera which they still have not electronically disconnected from the aura and various chakras emanating from my head (my crown) and eyes and are still deliberately using it (the electronic digital (or analog) video recorder/player and its associated electronic camera) to electronically transmit sexually explicit homosexual videos across my eyes and into the various homes of the innocent public at large AND as a device and or instrument of torture to deliberately cause severe swelling upon the left and right lower eye lids of both of my eyes which this very same harlot and her friends deliberately previously did which subsequently permanently disfigured my right upper eyelid. As I have repeatedly truthfully noted was the God’s honest truth before; no matter how many times the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and or one of (or any of) her group of habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends deliberately attempt electronically transmitting verbal messages attempting excusing themselves for their repeated sexual crimes of rape and or that of deliberately electronically connecting themselves and or their habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends to the aura and various living chakras emanating from my flesh and bone body and surrounding spiritual attributes, the fact of the matter is that the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot AND her friends (specifically, the very same woman whose voice I recognized as the very same habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug whom has deliberately victimized the soul of God and his people and I since as early as 1882 or 83) knew in advance that they were deliberately electronically connecting known “sexual predators” to the aura and living chakras of soul emanating from the living body of the sun and his surrounding spiritual attributes, against the will of the soul of God AND his people AND the sun himself, and they (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and those whom helped her electronically connect the habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs to the living body of the sun and surrounding spiritual attributes against our will) MUST be held accountable. And, explicitly because of the absolute validity of the following paragraphs of testimony, again I notice that the fact of the matter truly is that if this entire group of aforementioned habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) did not have the freedom to continue to spend every waking moment of their day, literally 24/7 illegally criminally spying upon me and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day, then the soul and his people and I would not be forced into the situation of having to suffer through so much cruelty and so very many down-right criminal acts of malice and hatred which have been all along, and as of this very day Wednesday, February 29, 2012 continue to repeatedly be committed and inflicted upon the soul and his people and I by this aforementioned group of habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug scum (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”), virtually all of which they continue to repeatedly committed and deliberately inflicted upon the soul and his people and I as a direct result of their ongoing illegal criminal spying. Additionally, if this entire group of aforementioned habitual criminal drug addict rapist thugs (the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of habitual criminal drug addict friends) did not have the freedom to continue spending every waking moment of their day, literally 24/7 illegally criminally spying upon me and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day, then the soul and his people and I would be free to resume living the remainder of our lives in peace and harmony with the rest of the living planet without the constant harassment and torment and repeated disruptions and bother by the coward whom continues cowering in front of her electronic monitor illegally spying upon us, nor the repeated physical and sexual assaults and rape which are also being repeatedly committed by this aforementioned coward and her remaining group of two or three or four habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends whom explicitly because of the fact that they have been allowed the freedom to continue illegally criminally spying upon me and the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day, have continued to repeatedly infringe upon our private lives in these ongoing aforementioned and previously described manners and methods. In addition to virtually everything else within this letter of true testimony (2358-02292012), as of this very day today Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the fact remains that in addition to the deliberate and repeated intermittent swelling of my upper and lower eyelids which has already permanently disfigured my right upper eyelid (which would result my winning millions of punitive damages in a court room of my peers), the truest fact of the matter is that I am also still being deliberately blinded by the very same entire group of rapist thugs still deliberately forcing their electronic camera upon and electronically connected to my eyes explicitly because the woman and her friends repeatedly operating the electronic camera are still deliberately taking its lenses out of focus in repeated attempt at preventing others from being able to clearly see through my eyes and what I am looking at which means, I am literally being blinded and forced into wearing corrective glasses to see things which I would never need to wear glasses for if someone would simply do the right thing and permanently pull the plug on the guilty woman’s operation and various other crap which the soul and his people and I have repeatedly ask the celebrities and various federal government members to do. This is yet another issue which the celebrities are causing because it is they whom are monetarily funding this bitch and her friends deliberate use of this aforementioned camera. If they would quit monetarily funding the woman and her friends, and if the feds would arrest and disconnect their electronics from their various power sources (such as the wall outlet and telephone jacks) and turn off their telephones, I would be quite capable of seeing out of my very own eyes. Speaking extremely graphically and candidly, it simply is not fair to me that I should have to wear eyeglasses to see out of my very own eyes just because some stupid bitch wants to electronically connect her fucking electronic camera to my eyes and continue her near thirty year crime spree of illegally spying upon me and the various other I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day. In addition to permanently resolving and bringing to a permanent end, the deliberate swelling of my eyelids and the ongoing repeated deliberate blinding of my eyes and or vision issues, permanently disconnecting and taking this bitch and her friend’s electronic camera away from her and her friends would ALSO prevent the bitch and her friends from being able to spend every waking moment of their day lying around illegally spying upon the various unsuspecting others I innocently see and or come into contact with throughout my day and I, which would also make the soul and his people and I happy. As I truthfully previously repeatedly noted and stated was the absolute “God’s honest truth” this entire aforementioned group of known and repeatedly documented guilty rapist thugs (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”) ARE in fact EACH known to be repeatedly documented guilty “rapist,” “drug addicts,” and cold-blooded “murders” whom truthfully belong either locked away within a state or federal penitentiary, or permanently put down by whatever means necessary, and most certainly should NOT be allowed the freedom to roam freely about within the neighborhoods of the innocent public at large to repeatedly illegally trespass upon other private property nor to continue repeatedly committing these repeatedly witnessed criminal burglaries and down right “home-invasions” of my own and various other innocent unsuspecting citizens homes and vehicles and or living spaces, and absolutely most certainly (“the American celebrity society’s drug addict harlot and her group of three or four or five habitual criminal drug addict rapist thug friends”) do NOT by any means belong electronically connected to the known spiritual attributes known by the various completely separate and different individuals of the world-wide consortium of those whom known the sun lives to be emanating from and surrounding MY flesh and bone body, period. In my opinion, it IS time for a change of hierarchy of the United States of America (and the rest of the planet as well), and Barack Obama and his cabinet and current administration, AND Robert Mueller as acting director of the FBI (and most unequivocally the known criminal stalker and her friends as well) are NOT the change which is necessary. Stephen Wayne Reno Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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